790602 Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment


A swiss original manufacturer of EMC test equipment

Founded 1994 in Laufen, North-West Switzerland, EMC PARTNER AG are experts in high voltage impulse technology. Our reputation has been built on delivering high quality, innovative solutions for Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) to an international customer base.

Our long-standing commitment to the EMC industry does not stop at designing test equipment. Our roots go back to the very beginning of EMC with over 30 years unbroken participation in standard committees. A tradition that continues today through our active participation in the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), the Swiss National Committee of IEC and CENELEC (CES), the Society of Aerospace Engineers (SAE) and the European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment (EUROCAE).

As a global manufacturer of EMC test systems we respect national and international standard requirements. ISO 17025 is recognized worldwide as a benchmark for quality. EMC PARTNER AG is accredited by the Swiss Calibration Service (SCS 0146), to perform calibrations on all products we manufacture. The Swiss Accreditation Service (SCS) is a signatory to ILAC, the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation, which extends our accreditation to an international customer base. This ensures that our customers have access to the best and most reliable test equipment.

Our products encompass commercial and industrial immunity testing, indirect lightning on aircraft and component testing among others. We aim to extend our product line with test equipment for new and evolving technologies.

Our clients and our commitment to the EMC market are elements in defining who we are.

EMC PARTNER AG, a true Partner for EMC test solutions today, tomorrow and in the future.

Company Milestones

Our brand is known for innovative and high quality products oriented on the market needs.  Test equipment from EMC PARTNER AG enables a faster, more reliable and cost-effective testing, well prepared for the future. Check out our product milestones - more than 25 years development in the EMC sector - and still ready for the future.


  1. EMCP_Logo_157x54_for_A4 Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment

    The Beginning

    date-time Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment 1994

    EMC PARTNER AG founded in Laufen Switzerland. Member of IEC technical committee for EMC

  2. TRA1000 Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment


    date-time Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment 1995

    TRA1000, the first compact generator for the CE market

  3. HAR1000-3P_HAR1000-EXT_HARCS-Immunity_without_background Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment


    date-time Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment 1997

    HAR1000, harmonics and flicker system with novel power supply correction.

  4. TRA2000_transparent_small Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment


    date-time Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment 2000

    TRA2000, second generation compact tester. Same great quality new control interface.

  5. MIG2000-6_cs-out_extracted Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment

    MIG2000-6 for MIL-STD-461

    date-time Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment 2002

    MIG2000-6, EMC PARTNER enters the MIL-STD-461 market with a compact solution

  6. esd3000_trans_reflx Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment


    date-time Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment 2002

    ESD3000, worlds first hand-held battery operated ESD geenrator up to 30kV

  7. MIG1803 Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment

    MIG Series

    date-time Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment 2002

    Multiple Impulse Generator (MIG) launched using unique semiconductor modules in a Marx generator configuration.

  8. MIG0600MS Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment

    Avionic Test System

    date-time Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment 2005

    MIG Indirect lightning for avionics, first standard production system for the DO-160 section 22 market

  9. MIG-OS-OM-EXT_MIG-OS-OS1_CDN3000A-06-25 Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment

    Fast- & Slow DOW test system

    date-time Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment 2007

    Damped Oscillatory Waves (DOW) fast pulses added to existing MIG system.

  10. 104113%20MIG14403 Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment

    Modular Insulation tester

    date-time Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment 2009

    Modular insulation tester with semiconductor switching up to 144kV

  11. TRA3000_V2012_web Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment


    date-time Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment 2009

    TRA3000, third generation compact tester

  12. imu-mgs-web Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment

    IMU Series

    date-time Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment 2012

    IMU generators, fourth generation of compact testers. Starting a new dynasty with touch panel operation.

  13. 20 Years Jubilee

    date-time Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment 2014

    EMC PARTNER is 20 years old and still going strong. Happy birthday!

  14. mil3000-bt6-vermil3-osc_trans_bg_web Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment

    MIL3000 test system

    date-time Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment 2015

    Second generation MIL-STD-461 test solution.

  15. 107128%20IMU%20SLAVE%20SMART%20I1 Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment

    Differential Mode Test Solution

    date-time Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment 2015

    Extension of IMU testers to meet IEC 61000-4-19 smart meter requirements for differential mode testing

  16. AVI3000-left_transparent_100dpi Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment


    date-time Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment 2016

    AVI3000, first compact test system up to level 3 for indirect lightning testing to DO-160 and internal tests for MIL-STD-461

  17. 108012%20DOW3000%20BenHur%20left%20_web_transBG Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment

    DOW3000 - Compact DOW test system

    date-time Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment 2017

    DOW3000, compact test system for power grid component testing. Damped oscilatory waves together with 0.5J impulse.

  18. 3%20Main%20CDNs_transparent%20Background Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment

    New CDN Line

    date-time Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment 2018

    NEW CDN line aimed at renewable energy electronics and electric vehicle applications

  19. 25-Years-EMCP_small Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment

    25 Years Jubilee

    date-time Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment 2019

    25 years old. A quarter century delivering professional EMC test solutions.

  20. emcp_products_colleiction Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment

    New Product Generation

    date-time Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment 2020

    Complete new product ranges introduced enhancing test capability and providing the most modern user experience.

  21. INS15%20und%2030_Combo_Transparent Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment

    INS Series

    date-time Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment 2020

    Best-in-Class Impulse tester 1.2/50 µs for Semiconductors with reinforced insulation.

  22. ctsseries Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment

    CTS Series

    date-time Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment 2022

    First 1kA impulse current tester 10/1000 µs with selectable clamping voltage up to 4kV.

  23. 30ymilestone Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment

    30 Years anniversary

    date-time Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment 2024

    We celebrate 30 years EMC PARTNERRead our full anniversary article here

  24. avi-small-milestone Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment


    date-time Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment 2024

    Latest technology indirect lightning test system.

  25. End of Milestones

    date-time Company | EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment 2024


Baselstrasse 160
CH - 4242 Laufen

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Certification ISO17025 / Accredited Calibration