Capacitor Testing
X / Y capacitors are used for interference suppression on power supply inputs. The inputs may be subjected to impulse generated by lightning strikes on outside lines or switching in equipment. A 1.2/50us impulse is used for capacitor tests with and without AC power applied. In addition to the impulse insulation tests, active flammability tests are conducted to ensure the safety of equipment in event of a capacitor failing. The principle test requirements are defined in the standard IEC 61384-14. Edition 4 of the standard extends the scope for capacitors up to 50 µF.
- UL 1414
- IEC 60384-1
- IEC 60384-14
IEC 60384-14
UL 1414
- IEC 60384-14
- UL 1414
- IEC 60384-1
IEC 60384-14
Circuit breaker tester 8/20µs up to 3000A, Ring 100kHz up to 250A, 1.2/50µs up to 12kV
- IEC 61008-1
- IEC 61009-1
- IEC 61439-1
- IEC 60384-14
- UL 1414
IEC 60384-14