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103509%20MIG0600MS MIG0600MS - Generator for DO-160 / ED-14 Section 22


Multiple Stroke Indirect lightning impulse generator

Combined solution for PIN injection, cable induction and ground injection tests. Single stroke and multiple stroke events according to standards or user programmable.

Indirect lightning test system including waveform 1, 4, 5A and 5B. Single stroke and multiple stroke testing according to RTCA DO-160 section 22 & EUROCAE ED14 section 22. Multiple stroke testing to DO-160 level 5 and MIL-STD-461 CS117 internal and external requirements. Multiple stroke events user programmable for special patterns. One unit for PIN injection, cable induction and ground injection testing. Can be extended for additional applications using external devices. Semiconductor switching circuits deliver extreme reliability under continuous testing scenarios. A tried and tested solution in the field.

✓ PIN injection and cable bundle tests
✓ Single stroke, multiple stroke events
✓ Waveforms 1, 4, 5A and 5B
✓ Tests to level 5 from DO-160
✓ Semiconductor high voltage switching
✓ Test for DO-160 and MIL-STD-461 with a single unit
✓ Impulse repeatability for long duration tests
✓ Extreme reliability and system up time
✓ Extreme reliability and system up time

  • Airbus ABD0100-1-2
  • MIL-STD-461 / CS117
  • RTCA DO-160 - Section 22

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