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6 kV insulation tester for X capacitors

MIG0603CAP is a 6 kV compact impulse generator with high voltage terminals on top. It generates a 1.2/50µs voltage impulse capable of testing X1 and X2 type capacitors.

MIG0603CAP consists of two circuits capable of testing X type capacitors up to 6.7 uF using the impulse voltage wave shape 1,2/50 μs. The generator circuits are defined in IEC 60384-14 and EN 132400. Component values for serial resistors Rs, impulse capacitor CT, and the load capacitance Cp are automatically switched when different capacitance ranges are selected on the MIG0603CAP. Semiconductor high voltage circuits ensure a high degree of waveform integrity and repeatability. Integrated measurement circuits display peak impulse voltage and current on the front panel. Monitor of voltage and current waveshapes on an oscilloscope is possible, without specialist probes, from the front panel BNC connections.

  • Impulse amplitude to 6 kV
  • Calibrated 1.2 / 50 us impulse
  • Semiconductor high voltage switching
  • Impulse outputs on top plate
  • Use with test cabinet TC-ST
  • Test X1 and X2 class capacitors to 4 kV
  • Enhanced operator safety
  • High degree of impulse repeatability

  • IEC 60384-14
  • UL 1414
  • IEC 60384-1

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