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103537%20MIG0624T-K12 MIG0624T-K12 - EMC PARTNER AG


Dual surge current generator according ITU K.12: 10/1000µs 8/20µs 40/350µs 10/350µs

Designed for testing telecom surge protection devices according to ITU-T K12. The generator has two indepedent impulse outputs which allow testing of two and three terminal protection devices such as gas discharge tubes (GDT). The generator can be configured for two terminal devices or with the outputs in parallel to increase the current impulse for two terminal devices. Impulses avaiable from MIG0624T-K12 are: 10/1000µs, 2x 130A, 100/1000µs, 2x 1000A, 8/20µs, 2x 10000A, 40/350µs (10/350µs), 2x 4000A.

    • ITU-T K.44

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