1.2/50µs lightning impulse generator up to 24 kV with 40Ohm impedance. High voltage outputs on top plate protected by TC-ST test cabinet.
MIG2403 is a lightning impulse generator with voltage wave shape 1.2 / 50us. Applications range from insulation testing of materials to isolation in electronic circuits. The 40 Ohm generator impedance can be suplemented with external networks for specific applications such as energy meter and protection relay testing. High voltage outputs on the top plate provide safety for operators and enable use with a protective test cabinet. Failure mode detection (breakdown, flashover) can be recorded using the integrated measurement circuits with convenient BNC outputs of impulse voltage and current. Peak measurement values can be used to stop a test under user defined conditions. Personnel protection is enhanced by a warning lamp system and emergency stop.
- IEC 60664-1
- IEC 61180
- IEC 60060-1
- IEC 61010-1
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