790602 EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment | Customer Equipment

Customer equipment

Equipment at customer sites can include anything from modems, telephones, routers, digital subscriber lines and personal computers. International Telecommunications Union (ITU) requirement K21 covers resistibility of equipment installed in customer premises to over voltages and over currents. EMC PARTNER provide telecom test equipment to meet the lightning voltage, lightning current, power contact and power induction requirements.

Product Page

109900%20IMU-MGE EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment | Customer Equipment
8KV EFT/Burst, SURGE, Ringwave and 10/700us impulse generator
Compact generator for EFT/Burst, SURGE, 100 kHz Ringwave and 10/700 impulses up to 8KV. Integrated 16 A CDN. Extend with ESD, Dips/Interrupts and Common Mode.
103511%20MIG-ITU-K44 EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment | Customer Equipment
Power induction tester
The 1,500 V output meets all basic and enhanced test levels required by ITU- T K.20 and ITU-T K.21. Test duration is set manually on the generator front panel.
103719%20MIG1206-1P-T EMC PARTNER - Test Equipment | Customer Equipment
12 kV impulse generator with CWG, 1-Phase CDN and 10/700
Compact impulse generator ideal for telecom applications. The integrated 32 A Coupling Decoupling Network (CDN) applies the 12 kV Combination Wave Generator (CWG) impulse acording to IEC 61000-4-5. A 10/700 us impulse to 6 kV extends the test range to include ITU-T K44 basic and enhanced testing.

More Options & Comfort
Telecom lines at the subscriber premises will mostly be twisted pair coupler cables. To successfully test interfaces connected to those lines, needs a coupling network capable of imposing the test impulses while data is being transmitted. CDN-UTP8 ED3 enables testing up to 1 Gb /s. RJ45 adapters fitted to the CDN-UTP8 ED3 speed up the test process and reduce errors.

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Certification ISO17025 / Accredited Calibration