User configurable modular design from 72 kV to 144 kV in 24 kV stages. High voltage output on contacting ring. Separate control unit with integrated voltage and current dividers. Mounted on wheels for easy placement.
The MIG14403 is an insulation tester with a voltage wave shape 1,2/50 μs. The specified voltage waveform is generated across an open circuit (oc), or within the specified load range. For failure detection (breakdown, flashover) the peak output voltage and current of the MIG are indicated on the front display and the two BNC monitor outputs (v,i) allow monitoring the voltage and current wave shapes on an oscilloscope. MIG14403 uses solid state switching components maintaining a consitent waveshape over the full range up to 144 kV. The generator is a modular construction comprsing 24kV modules which can be stacked to achieve voltages from 36 kV to 144 kV.
✓ Voltage impulse 1.2/50 us / 24 kV modules
✓ User configurable from 36 kV to 144 kV
✓ Measurement system delivers information about insulation breakdown
✓ Pass / Fail indication for individual samples, speeds up production
✓ High degree of automation, reduces operator workload
✓ Solid state impulse switch and solid state polarity change (no mechanical switch, no spark gaps or tubes) - advantages: low jitter, no high frequency switching noise.
✓ Microprocessor menu controlled, printer port and RS232 remote control
✓ Safety in accordance with VDE 0104 (safety circuit, connector for warning lamp)
✓ Integrated peak measurement for voltage and current. Peak display and monitor output for v,i
✓ Impulse generator fits through standard door width 80 cm
- IEC 60664-1
- IEC 61180
- IEC 62771-1
- IEC 60060-1
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